Monday, December 13, 2010

Out With the Bland and Boring

Holidays can be tricky.  With so many people have their own traditions and expectations it can be difficult to merge everyone's idea of a perfect holiday together.  But when it happens, life couldnt be better.  For years I always went to my Gramgrams for Thanksgiving.  Then I spent 6 consecutive Thanksgivings traveling the country with my dad and stepmom.  But with neither of those two fabulous traditions being an option, I had to make a new tradition. 
Gab offered to do thanksgiving at her place and so we conspired to make the best dinner ever!  I have no problem saying mission accomplished!  Gab made two Turkey roasts. She aquried fresh thyme, sage, basil, and parsly.  Which I have to say shows great insight, the fresh herbs made it.  What else was on the fabulous menu?  Stuffed mushrooms, bacon and parmesean crusted asparagus, creamy mashed potatoes and gravy, my killer stuffing, and sauteed zuccini and squash.  For dessert I made mini pumkin pies drizzled with white chocolate, Pumpkin pie cakeballs, and a peach pie complete with little pie crust leaves.  I felt so domestic. And everyone had the same problem of not being able to choose between them, they each had to try all three. 
The stuffing was intimidating because I had never made homeade stuffing.  My Gramgram had a very specific tradition.  Onion and bread stuffing.  It was a tradition we loved, but truth be told, it was bland and boring (Im hoping Grams will forgive me for saying the truth).  So I did a little research, combined recipes and luckily had my dear friend Jason's helped me with moral support in the kitchen, It turned out to be the best stuffing I have ever had.  Full of amazing flavors; Onions, celery, mushrooms, sage sausage, chicken broth, butter, and bread crumbs= the new official family stuffing recipe. 
I loved spending the morning sharing a kitchen with Jason ad then finishing up all the cooking with Gab.  Indi was an adorable little cooking assistant for us both.  She pulled her little chair up to the counter every few minutes to see how things were coming.  I got lots of loves and even a spanking when I crossed her.  My mom and stepdad showed up.  The first official family event for them as a married couple.  It was so great to see them both so happy.  Aaron, Iryna, and baby Sia were the cherry on top.  Baby Sia is so beautiful.  One of my favorite moments was holding both my adorable neices at the same time. Indi was so excited about baby Sia. 
In all, an amazing meal, surrounded by my little family.  Our family is anything but bland and boring but we love each other  nd are there for one another when it counts.  Its moments like this, in a cramped little house when I realize that I have a great family .

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