Friday, August 13, 2010

I can do anything, I can do this

About 2 months ago I walked into my favorite baking/cooking specialty shop Spoons and Spice and purchased 2 vanilla beans. It was my first time holding a real vanilla bean and I felt a moment of intimidation, but then a calm that I know all too well came over me, "I can do anything." I have that attitude with almost all things in my life. I see something cool and think, I can do that, and then I do.

But as I walked out to my car marveling at my self assurance, I recognized a big area of my life where I don't feel like I can do anything, my weight. Baking hundreds of cupcakes and the 15 LBS I gained from perfecting my Coconut, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Carrot, and Real Vanilla bean cupcake recipes, helped me to recognize that I am addicted to sugar and a little out of control.

I had to ask my self, If I can do anything, why can't I do this? I pondered this questioned that night as I sliced open the vanilla bean to discover thousand and thousands of tiny specs of vanilla. It was almost magical. My first attempt at slicing and collecting the vanilla beans was less than stellar, but by the second bean, I had the hang of it. The vanilla cupcakes was phenomenally better than if I had just thrown in some extract.

Each little or big mountain I tackle, gives me that much more confidence to tackle bigger mountains.

So here I am tackling another mountain, because I can do anything, I can do this.
July 1st kicked off my self changing experiment.  I spent 15 days exercising regularly, both at the gym and going on several hikes. 
I didn't consume ANY sugar!! I even skipped out on fruit and stayed away from carbs.  I spent that 15 days eating nuts, string cheese, lots of veggies and lean meats...peanut butter and celery was my favorite breakfast.  I had zero alcohol..that's right, zero. I went to 3 different 4th of July parties, I withstood the social pressure and my love of a cold beer on a hot day.  I was committed and therefore it was an easy choice and what I had a blast.  I lost a total of 14 lbs in 15 days.  Day 16 was my birthday and wow, did I feel good about myself.
One of my favorite bday pics:

With all that has been going on in the last few weeks since my birthday I haven't been quite as strict.  I have been eating blueberries, watermelon, and the occasional treat.  I still have so much further to go, but its nice to know that I can do anything, I can do this!