Thursday, September 25, 2008

Im Leaving on a Jet Plane....

Im feeling a little nervous at the moment. I fly out to Anaheim,CA in just a couple hours. I am not really afraid of flying so much, as I just hate the Airport and hate being motion sick. I know, I'm being a pansy!!! I hate going through security and being corralled like chattel. The whole experience for me is dismal. But with all that I don't like, getting to Long Beach in just under an hour is worth it.

I am heading to CA for the Heritage Makers Reunion. It is going to be so much FUN! Nissa, my twim, and I are on this little adventure together, without supervision. SCARY!!!! Ian and Nissa's Husband Jimmy will keep each other company with a little fishing trip and lots of Guitar Hero. I am going to miss Ian so much. I hate being away from him.

I will be back on Sunday with lots to report!