Monday, November 8, 2010

So Live, Love, Toil with a Will...

Last week I took the plunge and got my next tattoo.  I started designing this tat with Josh back in June but with life and scheduling, it wasnt until now that I finally found the perfect time.  I came across the inspiration for my swallow on one of my favorite websites,  It had nothing to do with a tattoo but I loved how feminine the swallow was.  Sailors used to get Swallow tattoos to signifies completing a journey and coming home.  That is exactly what these birds mean to me.  I love the hard things I have overcome and the feeling of finally coming into my own.  I like being me.  No apologies, no regrets.  I love looking back at the less than confindant me and all the choices or mistakes I made then, that helped me grow and learn. I Woudnt be me today without that girl. 
The words I chose are also especially dear to my heart.  My Grandma Peeples used to love the poem below.  When she passed away, the clock she had worn around her neck for years stopped working as well.  I have always loved  the line "to live, love, toil with a will," because I think that those are the ingrediants for happiness.  To live by taking chances and putting myself out there.  Love, the greatest gift to give or receive. To toil with a will, meaning to be industrious and hard working.  But not just work hard, do it by choice and with purpose.    
With working full time and running my little Cakeball business, I really know what it means to toil with a will.  I know what late nights and early mornings look like and what it means to be exhaused.  I also know how much happiness it affords me.  It gives me hope in a practically hopeless world that my future is in my hands.

"The clock of life is wound but once
and no man has the power
to tell just when that hand will stop
at late or early hour.
Now is the only time you own
so live, love, toil with a will
place no faith in tomorrow
for the clock may then be still."


 I used the favorite part of one of my favorite poems for my latest poem. 

Thanks Josh, you did an awesome job! 

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