Saturday, November 29, 2008

The long wait is finally over...or has it just begun??

Carla, Kellie, Nikki, Me, and April

Nice Seats!!

April "work'n" the phone

I WON, I WON!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping for a life sized
car but this will do. In addition to my cool car,
I won an amazing bottle of perfume.

Tori and Annette
Owe, Owe! Nikki
Trouble! Nikki and Carla
My feet were killing me in this picture.

I had so much fun at the Twilight Event! There were a total of 15 of us. It was just great to get to walk around to all of the activities and vender's. I purchased a super cute necklace that says "Be Safe." It is a line from the movie but it has much more personal meaning for me. I'm by no means going to give up being daring or adventurous. It more to remind me to take care and be good to myself. Is so easy to feel hurt or worthless in a situation like mine, but that just isn't true. There isn't a sole on this earth that can change my worth but me. And I am going to continue to show myself respect and love.
As for the movie, it was great! It took me a bit to get used to the differences, they had to cut out some stuff, But Edward really grew on me.

1 comment:

  1. I think being an Emo Vampire would be the second coolest thing in the world!!! The only thing cooler...a Vegan Emo Vampire...

